Fecal Incontinence in Chandler & Scottsdale, AZ

Losing control of your bowels can be distressing. It is a common problem but patients don’t always seek treatment due to embarrassment.  It can negatively impact your day-to-day life. Finding treatment can help you do the things you love again. At ACE Clinic, we can help explore your best options with an understanding and professional approach.

What is Fecal Incontinence?

When you hold a stool or pass a bowel movement, it requires the synchronization of many different muscle groups and nerves. Fecal incontinence can happen when this process doesn’t work as it needs to. This can result in a loss of control of your bowels. Fecal incontinence can range from occasional leakage to complete loss of control.

What are the Symptoms of Fecal Incontinence?

It’s common to sometimes lose control of your bowels if you have severe diarrhea. However, people with fecal incontinence can have more frequent accidents along with symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, or cramping. Episodes of fecal incontinence can range from stool leakage (either undetected or during certain activities), an inability to hold gas, or even being unable to reach the bathroom in time. In severe cases, you may completely lose control of your bowels.

What Causes Fecal Incontinence?

There are many different causes of fecal incontinence, but they generally come down to an inability to control the pelvic floor muscles. For example, the sphincter muscles may weaken as you get older or as a result of childbirth. Conditions like Crohn’s disease or anatomical problems with the rectum or anus can also cause incontinence.

What Are My Treatment Options for Fecal Incontinence?

Fecal incontinence is very treatable with the help of your colorectal expert.

Initial treatments are conservative and include medications and avoidance of certain foods (like caffeine, dairy, spicy foods, artificial sweeteners, or greasy foods). Incorporating more fiber into your diet can help too.

Additionally, your doctor can recommend certain exercises that can help strengthen the anal muscles and train your body to recognize the urge to pass a bowel movement. If conservative management fails to improve the symptoms your colorectal surgeon can discuss further diagnostic modalities and surgical approaches to treatment of fecal incontinence.

Fecal Incontinence Outlook and Steps to Take

Although it can be embarrassing to seek treatment for fecal incontinence, our team at ACE Clinic is always here to help.

Schedule an Appointment

Fecal incontinence doesn’t have to negatively impact your daily life. To meet with our team and learn more about your options, we invite you to contact us by calling or filling out our online form.

Regain Bowel Control with Dr. Hakiman and Dr. Patel

Fecal Incontinence FAQs

What are the first signs of bowel incontinence?

The sudden urge to poop and the inability to control bowel movements are often the first signs of bowel incontinence. This happens daily and can sometimes result in leakage when passing gas or at random.

Does bowel incontinence go away?

Bowel incontinence most often requires treatment since it typically does not resolve on its own. Sometimes, diet changes like a high-fiber diet and drinking more water can improve symptoms.

How do you stop bowel incontinence naturally?

Some things you can do to cope with fecal incontinence naturally, include eating a high-fiber diet, staying hydrated, exercising, doing pelvic floor exercises, managing stress, and consulting with a colorectal surgeon.

What foods can cause bowel incontinence?

Fiber-rich foods like fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, and beans should be a part of your diet if you experience fecal incontinence. Starchy foods like applesauce, whole grain bread, broth, and bananas can also help.

How do I tighten my sphincter muscle?

Pelvic floor physical therapy and exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor and anal sphincter muscles. These treatments are often combined with diet changes and/or medications.

What kind of doctor do you see for bowel incontinence?

A gastroenterologist or colorectal surgeon can diagnose bowel incontinence and offer effective treatments. Our team of colorectal surgeons specializes in advanced non-surgical treatment options for this condition.

What foods prevent bowel incontinence?

Greasy foods, spicy foods, products containing fructose or artificial sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, and dairy have all been linked to bowel incontinence. Different people may be affected by different foods.

How can I firm up my bowel movements?

Increasing fiber or starch in your diet will help absorb water in the intestines to firm up bowel movements. Fiber-rich or starchy foods include bananas, rice, applesauce, lentils, chia seeds, and nuts.

How common is bowel leakage?

Surveys indicate that bowel incontinence affects between 2-7% of the general population, although the true incidence may be much higher since many people are hesitant to discuss this problem with a healthcare provider.

Does caffeine worsen fecal incontinence?

Caffeine has stimulant properties and therefore may worsen symptoms of fecal incontinence for some people.

Are there adult diapers for fecal incontinence?

Yes. Adult diapers provide a quick solution for soiling, and they are very easy to use. They can be purchased at many pharmacies or general merchandise stores.

What is a common cause of fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence can be caused by damage to the muscles or nerves in the rectum, hemorrhoids, or inflammatory bowel disease. Muscle damage may be associated with age, which is why many people are over the age of 65.

How do you stop fecal incontinence?

Dietary modifications, pelvic floor exercises, and bowel retraining techniques, with guidance from a colorectal surgeons, should help stop fecal incontinence.

Who is at risk for fecal incontinence?

Older adults, women who have had vaginal childbirth, those with Crohn’s disease or IBS, and those who suffer from stroke, MS, and Parkinson’s disease are all at risk for fecal incontinence.

Is fecal incontinence a normal part of aging?

Absolutely not, but age can weaken the muscles or nerves, which leads to incontinence.

What are some of the symptoms of fecal incontinence?

Some of the most common symptoms of fecal incontinence include not being able to hold your stool until reaching a bathroom, leaking stool, and frequent accidents during physical activities.

How do I prevent fecal incontinence?

There are multiple ways to prevent fecal incontinence, including maintaining a diet rich in fiber, drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding straining when going to the bathroom, managing underlying conditions that could lead to incontinence, and practicing pelvic floor exercises.

What foods should I avoid with fecal incontinence?

Some of the foods to avoid when you have fecal incontinence include spicy and fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and, if you’re lactose intolerant, dairy.

Meet the Doctors

At Arizona Colorectal Experts, we are dedicated to providing you with effective and timely treatment to help you feel your absolute best. Our team of skilled doctors, Dr. Hekmat Hakiman FACS, FASCRS, Dr. Arpit Patel FACS, FASCRS, and Dr. Shawn Webb, MD, FASCRS are dedicated to providing outstanding care through the use of forefront technologies and techniques. Our doctors are board-certified by the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery to provide you with the best possible outcomes.

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